You're Invited to the LSG Careers and Connections Launch!


Careers and Connections Saturday, October 18, 2014 Clarkston Community Center 3701 College Ave Clarkston, GA 30021 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Click to RSVP.

Lutheran Services of Georgia was recently selected to pilot Careers and Connections, a refugee career mentoring program with Higher, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service's national employment initiative. Please join us for the Launch Event to learn more about becoming a professional mentor or refugee mentee in LSG's newest program. Careers and Connections aims to support long-term career advancement for refugees and deepen social connections between refugees and their communities. LSG will recruit 30 mentors and 30 refugees to commit to weekly meetings for at least three months. Mentors will act as a job coach, equipping the refugee to develop skills, identify career goals, and create a plan to reach those goals.

Upon arrival in Georgia, refugees often face significant barriers to community integration. Language skills and difficulties navigating the institutions and customs of a new culture can leave refugees vulnerable to marginalization. Through mentoring relationships, this program connects refugees and long-term local residents who can work together to build a more cohesive and vibrant community.

You can RSVP online to attend at If you're not able to attend but would like more information on serving as a Careers and Connections mentor or mentee, please contact Melanie Johnson at or 678-686-9619.

Click to download our Launch Invitation.

13 Reasons to Support LSG on Georgia Gives Day!

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November 13, 2014 is Georgia Gives Day, and LSG needs your help. Each year, Georgia Gives Day brings the state together as one community to raise as much money and awareness as possible for Georgia nonprofits within a 24-hour, flash mob of giving! LSG has set a goal to raise $10,000 that will support our efforts to promote quality services for children and families throughout Georgia. Check out our top 13 reasons to support LSG on November 13!

1) LSG helps children find  forever families! In 2013, LSG’s Adoptions program placed 36 children into permanent, adoptive families. Click here to read the story of the Millers, a couple who adopted two children through LSG.

2) LSG helps refugees build new lives in the United States! In 2013, LSG resettled 407 refugees in Atlanta and 54 in Savannah. Click here to read about the Al Khazrajis, an Iraqi refugee family who are using their abilities to help other refugees in Savannah.

3) Volunteers love serving with LSG! In 2013, 1600 volunteers provided 20,757 hours of service to LSG to make our work possible. Click here to read testimonies from Concordia University students who spent their alternative spring break volunteering with LSG.

4) LSG strengthens relationships and keeps families together! In 2013, Family Intervention Services gave 134 families with 425 children tools to develop healthy, loving, and strong family relationships. Click here to read how LSG assisted the Rogers family in becoming better parents and reuniting with their children.

5) LSG celebrates community heroes! Each year, LSG honors local heroes at the annual Heroes of Hope, Healing, and Strength Gala. This year, LSG honored Lutheran leaders Rev. Darrel and Mary Peterson; former superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools Erroll B. Davis; and business leader R.N.C. Industries. Click here to see photos from the 2014 Gala.

6) LSG gives individuals with disabilities the support they need to thrive in their communities. LSG’s FACES program creates a meaningful family environment for individuals of all ages with disabilities and helps them become active, integrated members of the community. In 2013, FACES served 105 clients with developmental, physical, or intellectual disabilities. Click here to read the story of Ms. Sarah Hatcher, an LSG Support Companion who assists two FACES clients.

7) LSG promotes mental health! In 2013, LSG launched the Behavioral Health Services program and now offers an array of outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling services to children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Click here to learn more about BHS.

8) LSG welcomes immigrants! LSG provides a number of services to welcome immigrants. In LSG’s Friends in Hope Detention Visitation Ministry, volunteers visit and write letters to immigrants in detention. LSG offers legal services for immigrants and provides fingerprinting for people who will become guardians of immigrant unaccompanied minors. LSG has also begun providing other services for unaccompanied children, including short-term transitional foster care.

9) LSG helps communities cope with disaster! LSG provides immediate relief and assistance, as well as long-term recovery services that remain critical long after initial headlines have faded. In 2013, LSG continued to support three families through direct assistance with purchasing materials to rebuild homes. Click here to read more about disaster response.

10) LSG is one of the largest non-profit providers of foster care services in Georgia! LSG specializes in placing at-risk and special needs children in quality, highly trained, specialized foster care homes. In 2013, Specialized Foster Care aided 237 individuals in creating safe, caring foster homes. Click here to read how one LSG nurse worked with foster parents to insure that a medically fragile client got the care he needed.

11) LSG has an engaged, caring staff! LSG staff members are dedicated to their clients, active in their work, and respected in the community. Many staff members even take the opportunity to engage in advocacy issues that affect their clients. Click here to read the story of Aimee Zangandou, a former refugee and current LSG staff member who participated in Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service’s 2014 World Refugee Day advocacy event!

12) LSG is non-discriminatory! LSG offers services to individuals and families without regard to age, creed, gender, origin, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

13) LSG can’t do it alone! LSG relies on the generosity of individual donors, churches, corporate and private foundations, public grants, volunteers, and many other supporters to do our work. Your gift on Georgia Gives Day helps us keep bringing restored hope, transformed lives, and healthy tomorrows to individuals and families throughout Georgia. Click here to give!

LSG Awarded Grant for A+ Parents in Savannah!

mom daughterThe Georgia Governor's Office for Children and Families recently awarded Lutheran Services of Georgia a generous grant to prevent child abuse and neglect. Thanks to this grant, LSG will expand its parenting curriculum offered to parents participating in Savannah's A+ Parents program. A+ Parents is one program component of LSG's Family Intervention Services. According to the Administration of Children and Families Child Maltreatment 2012 report, 77 children died as a result of child abuse in Georgia and 1,640 children died due to child maltreatment nationwide. LSG's A+ Parents program aims to provide parent education, support, and parent training for families to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect.

LSG will implement the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program in the Savannah area. Currently used in 25 countries, Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them confidently manage their children's behavior, prevent problems developing, and build strong, healthy family relationships. LSG will adopt a Level 3 Triple P curriculum to provide moderate direct intervention for parents of children with mild to moderate behavioral difficulties. This curriculum will enhance the level of LSG's services provided to families with older children in need of addressing specific behavioral issues. This service will target parents with children ages 11 to 16.

Primary services will be offered in Bryan County, with secondary service areas in Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty counties. A substantial number of families in this area with children ages 6 through 16 are experiencing crisis due to poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing, teen pregnancy, disabilities, substance abuse, commercial sexual exploitation of children, and more. Through the Triple P curriculum, LSG will serve 50 families, 80% of which are expected to be single mothers. The other 20% would be single fathers, two parent households, or relative/fictive kin caregivers.

LSG's Family Intervention Services, including the A+ Parents Program, strengthens families and reduces the risk of maltreatment of children. FIS also enhances the capacity of families and caregivers to provide for their children's needs. Click here to learn more about Family Intervention Services and the A+ Parents Program.


Time to (Re)Enroll in Kroger's Community Rewards Program

52025b0e84aedc3da24a6098Now's the time to enroll or re-enroll in Kroger's Community Rewards Program! Thanks to this program, you can support LSG while shopping for groceries.  Simply follow the directions below to link your Kroger Plus Card along with your telephone number to our rewards numbers.

1) Click here to register online. Have your Kroger Plus Card available. If you do not have a Kroger Plus Card, they are available free of charage at the Customer Service desk at any Kroger. 2) Click on Sign In/Register. 3) If this is your first time visiting the site, click Sign Up Today in the “New Customer?” box. 4) To sign up for a Kroger Rewards account, simply enter your zip code, select your favorite store, enter your email address, create a password, and agree to the terms and conditions. 5) You will receive a message to check your email inbox. Click on the link within the body of the email. 6) Click on “My Account” and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. 7) Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and enter your Kroger Plus Card number. Enter your telephone number as well in case you forget your Kroger Plus Card. 8) Update or Confirm your information. 9) Enter Lutheran Services of Georgia or 12818, select LSG from the list, and click to confirm. 10) If you have enrolled correctly, you will see Lutheran Services of Georgia on the right side of your information page.

Please remember:

-Purchases will not count for LSG until after you register your card(s).

-Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus Card or use the phone number that is connected to their registered Kroger Plus Card when shopping for each purchase to count.

–Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377 and select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus Card number.

Thank you for supporting Lutheran Services of Georgia. Happy shopping!

LSG Selected to Pilot Refugee Employment Mentoring Program

career-fair Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) recently selected Lutheran Services of Georgia to pilot the Refugee Employment Mentoring Program with Higher, LIRS’s national employment initiative. LSG was selected from among 23 resettlement offices across the nation because of its commitment to employment security for refugees and its tradition of welcome.

The Refugee Employment Mentoring Program aims to accomplish two goals: to support long-term career advancement for refugees and to deepen social connections between refugees and their communities. LSG will match 30 mentors with 30 refugees who will commit to weekly meetings for at least three months. The mentor will act as a job coach, equipping the refugee to develop skills, identify long-term career goals, and create a plan to reach those goals.

Through mentoring relationships, refugees receive the opportunity to expand their social networks. Upon arrival in Georgia, refugees often face significant barriers to community integration. Language skills and difficulties navigating the institutions and customs of a new culture can leave refugees vulnerable to marginalization. This program connects refugees and long-term local residents who can work together to build a more cohesive and vibrant community.

LSG currently operates refugee resettlement programs in both Atlanta and Savannah. In the 2013 fiscal year, LSG resettled 461 refugees and provided services in employment, social adjustment, and information and referral to 1,371 refugees. The Refugee Employment Mentoring Program will allow LSG to provide additional support for clients to achieve economic self-sufficiency and become fully integrated in their communities. At the end of the project year, all findings will be compiled into a report that can offer guidance for other sites interested in pursuing a similar mentorship model.

For more information on the Refugee Employment Mentoring Program, contact Melanie Johnson at or 678-686-9619. Visit to learn more about Lutheran Services of Georgia.

Alie Advocates for Child Welfare in D.C.!

Alie Redd at the Capitol On May 6-8, LSG’s Vice President of Programs Alie Redd, LCSW, participated in the Child Welfare League of America’s 2014 National Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C. Below, Alie shares her experience advocating for the nation’s vulnerable children.

I was invited by Together Georgia to participate in the Child Welfare League of America’s 2014 National Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC, on May 6 through 8. The summit addressed child welfare issues and helped organizations and individuals understand how to advocate on the Hill for child welfare reform. I, along with two colleagues fromCHRIS Kids, visited Congressmen John Lewis, Thomas Price, M.D., John Barrow, and Johnny Isakson’s offices and met with their staff to advocate for children in Georgia specifically about privatization of child welfare, mental health, and adoption. The summit taught attendees how to prepare specific talking points to address Congress and how to approach these influential people and decision makers with confidence.  This was particularly powerful because most people think Congressmen are unreachable or unapproachable. However, I found congressional staff to be welcoming and open to input and suggestions from their constituents.

At the summit, I learned how to advocate on a national level for vulnerable people who do not have a voice and for those who may no have the means to advocate for themselves or their loved ones. At first I was really nervous because I wasn’t sure what to say, but the summit taught me how to organize my thoughts. Then, all the voices of the children I have served throughout the years began to tell their stories through my voice. I was so proud to represent the vulnerable children of Georgia. Once I returned to Georgia, I shared with others how easy it is to make sure voices are heard in Congress. I also participated in a Lunch and Learn workshop to teach others at LSG how to ensure their voices are heard and how to advocate for those in need.

For more information about the Child Welfare League of America, click here.

LSG Tees Off at the 20th Anniversary Atlanta Golf Classic

On a gorgeous spring day in May, 57 golfers and LSG supporters teed off at the Atlanta Golf Classic. Held at the Trophy Club of Atlanta, a beautiful and challenging course located in Alpharetta, this year's event marked the 20th anniversary of the annual Lutheran Services of Georgia fundraiser.

After a continental-style breakfast and opening prayer, fourteen foursomes scrambled for first place on the green. The day concluded with a 19th Hole Party featuring cold beer, hamburgers and hot dogs, door prizes, a silent auction, and awards for top players. The competition was fierce but one foursome emerged victorious: Ken Anderson, Bruce Johnson, Mark Olsen, and John Smith, pictured above. John Didcher, Ken Hyde, Mark Moeller, and Frank Pepe followed closely in second place, and Don Derrico, Brown Edwards, Greg Erath, and Mo Tabarrok came in third.

Awards were also given for men and women with exceptional play. Littie Brown and Mike Campbell won trophies for the Longest Drive for women and men, respectively. Julie Miller received the Closest to the Pin award for women and Brown Edwards for men. LSG awarded Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Alpharetta both the John Timpe Participation Trophy for bringing the largest number of golfers and the Bob Ott Memorial Sponsorship award for bringing in the most sponsorship dollars.

Together, golfers and supporters raised over $17,000 and an additional $11,000 in in-kind donations. LSG is grateful for all of the golfers, volunteers, staff members, and sponsors who made this event possible.

To see photos from the day’s activities, visit our Facebook page. Don’t forget to like, tag, and share!

LSG Nurse Helps Clients Reach Healthy Tomorrows

When Cathy Dandelakis’ son entered the FACES program, little did she know that this was only the beginning of her involvement with Lutheran Services of Georgia. LSG’s FACES program places individuals with developmental disabilities in supportive host homes where they can thrive.

Cathy holds 37 years of knowledge and experience serving medically-fragile populations as a mother, a teacher, a nurse, and a caregiver. Her passion for caregiving began while in nursing school. During the summer, she worked the night shift on a cancer ward as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CAN). Along with caring for the physical needs of her patients, she provided emotional support and companionship for patients in their final moments. “I worked with people who were sleepless, who were sad, who were angry, who were lonely, and many would pass away with no family in the middle of the night,” she recalled. Cathy’s presence reminded them that they were not alone. There, on the cancer ward, she discovered that nursing was more than a career for her—it was her calling.

After Cathy’s son entered FACES, LSG asked Cathy to help train the support companions who would become her son’s primary caregivers. Cathy agreed and was of such tremendous help to FACES staff and volunteers that LSG asked Cathy to provide training for other host homes. She began writing protocol for FACES case managers, sharing best practices for working with medically-fragile people.

In January 2013, Cathy agreed to join the LSG staff. Her current role includes handling administrative work connected with LSG’s medically-fragile clients, visiting host homes, writing healthcare protocol, and training LSG staff and caregivers. Cathy is always on-call to provide respite assistance or guidance for caregivers and case managers. “As a mother of a very handicapped person,” she remarked, “I know the value of respite. Everyone needs respite, and more than once a year. They need it frequently to replenish themselves, to replenish their souls.”

Cathy’s passion and expertise are immensely beneficial for LSG staff and clients. Cathy used her familiarity with the medical world to advocate on behalf of Matthew*, a nine-year-old boy in LSG’s specialized foster care program. Matthew has SMA Type 1, a rare disease that kills most infants born with it within their first two years of life. Given Matthew’s extreme fragility, the Georgia Department of Family and Child Services expressed concern about his care. Cathy visited Matthew’s foster family and nurse, and then reported back to DFCS that Matthew was indeed receiving great care. Now, Cathy visits the family every few months to check in on their needs. Thanks to the collaboration of Cathy, the foster family, and Matthew’s nurses, Matthew has not been hospitalized for over six years, a truly remarkable accomplishment.

LSG thanks Cathy for using her knowledge, skills, and love of caregiving to help provide excellent care and bring healthy tomorrows to individuals and families throughout Georgia.

*Name has been changed to protect the client.

LSG Cheers on the Atlanta Dream

Lutheran Services of Georgia (LSG) received 250 WNBA tickets to the Atlanta Dream's home opener on Friday, May 16, 2014 against the San Antonio Silver Stars. Phillips Arena buzzed with excitement as fans from all over metro Atlanta gathered to support their team. LSG invited foster parents and children, support companions and FACES clients, and staff to attend the basketball game.

Children of all ages had their faces painted, purchased Dream gear, and ate lots of delicious food, including hot dogs, popcorn, and cotton candy. Star, the Dream's mascot, and the Shooting Stars, the Dream's cheer team, entertained the crowd during the timeouts. The arena was rocking all four quarters, especially towards the end of the game. Fans had a wonderful time cheering for the Dream, and there was plenty to cheer about. The Silver Stars did not go down without a fight, but in the end the Atlanta Dream beat the Silver Stars 79-75.

Terri Medina, the newest member of Agency Advancement, got excited to meet our families outside Phillips Arena. She wanted to make sure that families were able to easily pick-up their Atlanta Dream tickets, so she did what anyone would do--she wore an outfit that was sure to get everyone's attention.

LSG thanks and appreciates the Atlanta Dream for providing an opportunity for our families, many of whom would not otherwise be able to attend the game.

LSG Joins Georgia School of Addiction Studies Board of Directors!









The Georgia School of Addiction Studies (GSAS) has appointed Lutheran Services of Georgia to be on its Board of Directors, effective as of March 2014. The Board of Directors will address the need for knowledge and skill development through advanced training for consumers of mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual disabilities, along with paraprofessionals and licensed clinicians in the fields of substance abuse and mental health. LSG will be instrumental in bringing its expertise to the GSAS Board of Directors. CEO and President Mr. Floyd R. Blair and Director of Behavioral Health Services Dr. Lucy Cannon will serve as representatives on the board.

The GSAS offers unique opportunities for professional development, information exchange, and networking, including its annual GSAS Conference. The 2014 GSAS Conference will take place in SAvannah, Georgia from August 25 through 29. Each year, the conference features highly qualified speakers and experts from various organizations throughout the United States who present on topics related to prevention, treatment, and recovery. Noted keynote speakers such as Dr. David Satcher, former Surgeon General Dr. Drew Pinsky, Host of Celebrity Rehab Dr. H. Wesley Clark, Director of SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, and other experts in addiction and mental health are represented. Click here for more information about the GSAS.

Aimee to Attend World Refugee Day in D.C.!

This June, LSG staff member and former refugee Aimee Zangandou will join other former refugees in Washington D.C. to receive leadership training and advocate on behalf of refugees. Aimee was selected to attend Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service's (LIRS) World Refugee Day Advocacy and Training Event. Along with the Walk of Courage Award Gala and Refugee Sunday, this event will take place as a part of LIRS's 75th Anniversary Commemoration, celebrating 75 years of walking alongside migrants. Aimee will be joined by Yeshey Pelzom, International Rescue Committee (IRC) staff member and former Resettlement Program Manager at LSG, in representing Georgia’s refugee communities.

Aimee’s passion for refugee communities is deeply personal. Originally from Rwanda, Aimee and her family fled the violence of the 1994 genocide and crossed the border into the Democratic Republic of Congo. Aimee, her parents, and her three siblings lived in a refugee camp for one year before relocating to Niger. In 1997, when Aimee was only 16 years old, her family was resettled in Stone Mountain, Georgia. There, a local church welcomed them and guided them through their early days of life in the U.S.

Since her arrival in Georgia, Aimee has actively helped other refugees adjust to life in the U.S. She began volunteering with refugee communities through the IRC. When Aimee heard that LSG’s Refugee Services department had an opening, she decided to apply. In 2009, she came on staff as a Data Specialist. A year later, she became a Social Adjustment Case Manager and was eventually promoted to Senior Case Manager in June, 2013.

Now, Aimee manages social adjustment services that provide refugees with the resources and knowledge they need to thrive in their new homes and new communities. These services include educating refugees on everything from home maintenance to public transportation to medical appointments. She finds her work “personally rewarding” and is constantly looking for ways that she can serve refugees more effectively.

Aimee is excited for the opportunity to attend LIRS’s World Refugee Day Training and Advocacy event. The trip won’t be her first time in Washington, D.C., but it will be her first time speaking with members of Congress about issues that affect refugee communities. She looks forward to learning more about advocacy and leadership and plans to bring the knowledge she gains back to refugee communities in Georgia. “I’m hoping I can learn more about advocating for refugees and develop skills in keeping communities together,” Aimee said. “I want to empower refugee communities to advocate for themselves and strengthen their communities.” Aimee holds a B.A. in International Affairs and a M.A. in Public Administration.

For more information about the World Refugee Day event and LIRS’s 75th Anniversary, click here.

Savannah Celebrates a Great Start to the New Year!

Staff, clients, and volunteers at Lutheran Services of Georgia's Savannah office had a great start to 2014! In January, we celebrated the birth of Elisabeth Deidre Sang, Savannah Refugee and Immigration Services's first citizen baby. Elisabeth is the newest member of the Sang family, a refugee family resettled in June 2013.The Rock of Ages Clothing Closet, Candler Hospital, Bible Baptist Church, and Eden Village all graciously provided in-kind donations to assist with clothing and furnishing Elisabeth's nursery. Elisabeth's four siblings--Ngai, Nam, Johnatan, and Van Tui--welcomed her into the world with love and excitement.

In February, LSG's Savannah office recruited new staff members and volunteers that will support our refugee resettlement and employment placement services. Sarmad Hameed, previously the Administrative Assistant for LSG's Atlanta office, accepted a promotion to become the full-time Reception & Placement (R&P) Case Manager. Sarmad is bilingual in Arabic and English and has already made great strides in building relationships in the community. Max Youngblood is excited to serve as the new Employment Specialist and Morgan Francisco, our new Logistics Coordinator, is ready to respond to all donation inquiries.

Dedicated volunteers and interns have joined LSG staff in helping clients of all backgrounds and ages on the journey to self-sufficiency. Felix Montanez, an attorney for Georgia Legal Services, is a Savannah native and bilingual in Spanish and English. Felix generously volunteered over 40 hours of his time in January and February, assisting with case file management and creating a weekend ESL class at the Savannah State Library. Anine Picard, a retired county school administrator, provided more than 60 hours in February, transporting clients to medical appointments and advocating for refugees in the community. Anine felt called to volunteer with LSG because she was once a new immigrant. After leaving her native Norway, Anine needed to learn how to communicate and adapt to American culture, and she wants to help other newcomers do the same.

Thanks to new staff, volunteers, and Elisabeth's birth, January and February were exciting months for LSG's Savannah office. We can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds!


Taylor Brand Made Vice Chair of Foster Family-Based Treatment Association--Georgia!

Lutheran Services of Georgia congratulates Taylor Brand, LSG's Senior Program Manager for Specialized Foster Care and Family Intervention Services in Atlanta, on being selected as the 2014 Vice Chair of the Foster Family-Based Treatment Association (FFTA)'s Georgia Chapter! Taylor will serve as the Vice Chair to Chair Sally Buchanan, CEO of Creative Community Services, Inc.

FFTA is an association of organizations that provide treatment foster care, a unique model of care that combines a nurturing family environment with structured treatment. FFTA aims to strengthen agencies that support families caring for vulnerable children.

Taylor said, "I'm excited to be the Vice Chair of FFTA. I've worked in and around foster care for many years and have seen first-hand the benefits of treatment foster care. This is a great opportunity to sit at the table each month with Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) leadership and advocate for children and families. FFTA is recognized nationally, so I will be in a position to advocate for children in foster care on a national and state level."

Taylor is not the first LSG staff member to serve in a leadership role with FFTA's Georgia Chapter. Alie Redd, LSG's State Manager for Specialized Foster Care, Family Intervention Services, and Adoption previously served as the Co-Chair of FFTA. Alie said, "I am excited to present and pass the torch for 2014 Vice Chair to Taylor. Her voice, expertise, and advocacy for children and families will ring throughout both the state of Georgia and the nation."

Congratulations, Taylor!

To learn more about FFTA, click here.




Remembering Sue Benner

Lutheran Services of Georgia honors Sue Benner, a long-time LSG supporter who died on February 14, 2014. Sue’s passion for individuals and families in need was admired by all who knew her. An active member of Living Grace Lutheran Church, Sue lived out her faith as Chair of their Community Outreach Committee. She participated in sewing and quilting groups, served in the Women’s Prison Ministry program, and organized the Gas Cards for Foster Families Annual Campaign. Thanks to Sue’s campaign, for the past six years, LSG foster care parents and FACES support companions in metro Atlanta received gas cards as a small token of thanks for the care they give every day to the children and adults in their homes. She also served in the Southeastern Synod Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) in several capacities. To honor Sue, the Southeastern Synod WELCA requested that gas cards to benefit LSG be brought to Sue’s memorial service, which was held on February 22. Sue is survived by a loving family—her husband, two daughters, a son, four grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and many extended family members. Sue truly lived a life of service, ministry, compassion, hope, and love. She will be greatly missed.

Prevent Child Abuse Georgia Relaunches Statewide 1-800-CHILDREN Helpline

Prevent Child Abuse Georgia recently announced the return of 1-800-CHILDREN, its free referral line for Georgians concerned about the healthy development of children and the prevention of child abuse. The 1-800-CHILDREN Helpline is professionally staffed by operators from Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia and will operate Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Unlike the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) statewide centralized intake number, the Helpline is not a number to call in crisis or when making a report of child abuse or neglect (Click here to learn how to report child abuse or neglect). Rather, operators will be available to provide information regarding parenting support, community resources, counseling services, referrals for legal needs, concern about the well-being of a child or family member, family violence, and other child maltreatment prevention issues.

PCA Georgia is a state chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America. The organization provides statewide direction to prevent child abuse and neglect, promote healthy children, and develop strong families through its prevention network, public awareness, prevention programs, and advocacy.

Click here to find out more about 1-800-CHILDREN and PCA Georgia.

Support LSG Through Kroger's Community Rewards Program!

Lutheran Services of Georgia recently enrolled in Kroger's Community Rewards Program! Thanks to this program, you can support LSG while shopping for groceries.  Simply follow the directions below to link your Kroger Plus Card along with your telephone number to our rewards numbers.

1) Visit to register online. Have your Kroger Plus Card available. If you do not have a Kroger Plus Card, they are available free of charage at the Customer Service desk at any Kroger. 2) Click on Sign In/Register. 3) If this is your first time visiting the site, click Sign Up Today in the "New Customer?" box. 4) To sign up for a Kroger Rewards account, simply enter your zip code, select your favorite store, enter your email address, create a password, and agree to the terms and conditions. 5) You will receive a message to check your email inbox. Click on the link within the body of the email. 6) Click on "My Account" and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. 7) Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and enter your Kroger Plus Card number. Enter your telephone number as well in case you forget your Kroger Plus Card. 8) Update or Confirm your information. 9) Enter Lutheran Services of Georgia or 12818, select LSG from the list, and click to confirm. 10) If you have enrolled correctly, you will see Lutheran Services of Georgia on the right side of your information page.

Please remember:

-Purchases will not count for LSG until after you register your card(s).

-Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus Card or use the phone number that is connected to their registered Kroger Plus Card when shopping for each purchase to count.

--Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377 and select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus Card number.

Thank you for supporting Lutheran Services of Georgia. Happy shopping!


Two Ways to Volunteer with LSG!

Lutheran Services of Georgia works to bring restored hope, transformed lives, and healthy tomorrows to individuals and families in need throughout Georgia. Our work depends on the generous support and skills of our many volunteers. Are you interested in joining our LSG family? Here are two great ways to get involved!

Volunteer with Family Intervention Services (FIS): LSG's Family Intervention Services is looking for volunteers! Specific responsibilities may include:

--Assisting with supervising parent-child and sibling visitations --Assisting with transporting clients to and from program activities --Assisting with co-facilitating children's group --Providing childcare for participants of parenting groups or training session --Completing documentation for services provided --Assisting with administrative duties, such as filing and data entry --Working in collaboration with staff to develop innovating programming

Volunteers are especially needed on Saturdays to assist with ongoing FIS parental trainings. To learn more about qualifications for the position, click here. For more information on volunteering with FIS, contact Terri Medina at or (404) 591-7067.

"First Friends" Cultural Mentorship: "First Friends" provide assistance to refugee families or individuals new to the United States as a cultural guide and friend. First Friends are matched with a newly arrived refugee or refugee family and visit during the first 3-6 months in the U.S. to check on their progress, to answer questions, practice English conversation, and help with the adjustment process.

For more information on becoming a First Friend, contact Melanie Johnson at or 678-686-9619.

Thank you for considering volunteering with LSG. We can't do it without you!


Fundraising Made Easy: Six Tips for Hunger Walk/Run 2014

Are you participating in the 2014 Hunger Walk/Run, but the thought of asking for money makes you sweat? Fundraising can be intimidating at first, but it can also be a lot of fun! And just think - the funds you raise for your team lead to healthier, happier people throughout Georgia. Here are six fundraising tips to help you raise more funds, reach more supporters, and increase your impact! 1) Get Started Today! The 2014 Hunger Walk/Run is a month away, and now is the perfect time to amplify your fundraising efforts. If you haven't registered yet, you can register online. Once registered, you can customize your webpage with your own notes, photos, and stories.

2) Team Up! There is strength in numbers and you'll have more fun and success. Form or join a team and you'll have a support network all working together towards a common goal. Teams are a great way to have fun, build deeper relationships, enjoy friendly competition, build teamwork with your co-workers, and achiever your goals. Click here to team up!

3) Spread the word! Use your social network to share the link to your fundraising page. Post regular status updates on your fundraising efforts so others can support you and cheer you on. Send out emails to everyone you know asking them for any amount...any little bit helps. Click here for more ways you can use social media to spread the word and here to access promotional materials!

4) Get your employer involved! Ask your employer to get involved by forming a team or supporting your efforts. Your employer may also be willing to match your gift---you won't know until you ask!

5) Ask everyone you know! The more people you ask, the more you'll be able to raise. Ask everyone you know and ask often! Even people from out-of-state can support you and will be interested in your efforts for positive change.

6) Be Creative! There are so many creative, fun ways to engage your community in fundraising. Get your neighbors involved in a community yard sale. Host a bake sale, a car wash, a chili cook-off, or a dinner party for your friends, clients, co-workers, or congregation. Creativity is a great way to keep fundraising fun!

Click here for these and other fundraising tips and here to register for the 2014 Hunger Walk/Run. Thank you for supporting LSG in the fight to end hunger throughout Georgia!

Grants in Action - LSG's Extended Cultural Orientation Program

On weekday mornings, refugee men and women gather in a small apartment in Clarkston to learn about life in the United States. Brightly colored posters hang on the walls, containing information on types of American currency, a map of the United States, the Pledge of Allegiance, and answers to FAQs. At the front of the classroom, Jacque Ulrich, LSG’s Cultural Orientation Coordinator, leads the group with energy and enthusiasm. After each question asked or lesson taught, she pauses briefly. Fountains of language—Nepali, Somali, Arabic, Burmese, Farsi, and English—trickle through the room as interpreters, mostly former refugees, translate her words until every student understands.

In March 2013, Lutheran Services of Georgia launched its Extended Cultural Orientation (ECO) program to give refugees an in-depth orientation to the United States. Within 30 days of arrival in Georgia, LSG’s refugee clients begin taking nine class sessions spanning three weeks. ECO offers pragmatic lessons in subjects crucial to everyday life as a refugee—personal finance, public transportation, the U.S. education system, immigration law, and more. Some ECO classes feature local organizations that introduce refugees to resources in the Clarkston area.

Funding for the ECO program comes from the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Preferred Communities Grant, distributed to LSG through Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), LSG’s national affiliate. Since the early 1990s, the Preferred Communities grant has provided funding for organizations working in smaller cities and towns that boast a wealth of opportunities for resettled refugees, like Clarkston.

Prior to establishing ECO, LSG’s approach to cultural orientation was limited to a “four-hour welcome-to-America—here’s your rundown on everything you need to know before you’re a permanent resident,” said Jacque. Now, refugees are able to learn more about U.S. culture and have their questions answered in a safe, welcoming space. Unlike many cultural orientation programs, ECO does not separate refugees according to their country of origin. “We want to build infrastructure between communities,” Jacque said, “not necessarily within ethnic groups.” ECO gives refugee clients the opportunity to meet refugees from other countries who have also been resettled in Clarkston.

Jacque enjoys coordinating the ECO program. “I get to hang out with people from all over the world with all different experiences and learn from them,” she said. She also enjoys discovering the ”preexisting knowledge and experiences” that each refugee brings with them to the classroom. In the future, she hopes to see the program grow to offer lessons in even more subjects, better preparing refugees to succeed in the U.S.

If you’d like to support LSG’s ECO program, consider donating snacks and beverages for the refugees. LSG provides snacks, soda, tea, and coffee during each class session to help create a more relaxed, communal atmosphere. According to Jacque, “When a lot of people get a cup of something hot in their hands, it’s culturally appropriate to start talking.” You can also donate new or gently used toys for children of refugees. ECO offers childcare during the classes so mothers and fathers can fully participate.

Contact Jacque Ulrich at or (678) 852-8591 for more information about ECO or to donate.

Take the Next Step with LSG at the 30th Annual Hunger Walk/Run!

Join thousands in the fight against hunger on Sunday, March 9th at Turner Field. The 5K walk/run benefits the Atlanta Community Food Bank and one of its partners, Lutheran Services of Georgia, with hunger relief programs. Everyone is welcome to join or donate!

The event opens at Noon and the 5K walk and 5K “fun run” begin at 2 p.m. Pre-register online as a team or individual at or at the registration tent the day of the event. Walk Registration is $25 and includes an official Hunger Walk/Run 2014 event t-shirt. Run Registration is $35 and includes a special moisture-wicking t-shirt.

Create your team TODAY and enjoy the fun, festival-like atmosphere with activities for the entire family including games, Atlanta’s finest food trucks, live entertainment and more on March 9th! If you’re unable to attend, you can still fight hunger by joining the Lutheran Services of Georgia Team by visiting For more information, contact Terri Medina at or 404-591-7067.