Fundraising Made Easy: Six Tips for Hunger Walk/Run 2014
/Are you participating in the 2014 Hunger Walk/Run, but the thought of asking for money makes you sweat? Fundraising can be intimidating at first, but it can also be a lot of fun! And just think - the funds you raise for your team lead to healthier, happier people throughout Georgia. Here are six fundraising tips to help you raise more funds, reach more supporters, and increase your impact!
1) Get Started Today! The 2014 Hunger Walk/Run is a month away, and now is the perfect time to amplify your fundraising efforts. If you haven't registered yet, you can register online. Once registered, you can customize your webpage with your own notes, photos, and stories.
2) Team Up! There is strength in numbers and you'll have more fun and success. Form or join a team and you'll have a support network all working together towards a common goal. Teams are a great way to have fun, build deeper relationships, enjoy friendly competition, build teamwork with your co-workers, and achiever your goals. Click here to team up!
3) Spread the word! Use your social network to share the link to your fundraising page. Post regular status updates on your fundraising efforts so others can support you and cheer you on. Send out emails to everyone you know asking them for any amount...any little bit helps. Click here for more ways you can use social media to spread the word and here to access promotional materials!
4) Get your employer involved! Ask your employer to get involved by forming a team or supporting your efforts. Your employer may also be willing to match your gift---you won't know until you ask!
5) Ask everyone you know! The more people you ask, the more you'll be able to raise. Ask everyone you know and ask often! Even people from out-of-state can support you and will be interested in your efforts for positive change.
6) Be Creative! There are so many creative, fun ways to engage your community in fundraising. Get your neighbors involved in a community yard sale. Host a bake sale, a car wash, a chili cook-off, or a dinner party for your friends, clients, co-workers, or congregation. Creativity is a great way to keep fundraising fun!
Click here for these and other fundraising tips and here to register for the 2014 Hunger Walk/Run. Thank you for supporting LSG in the fight to end hunger throughout Georgia!