Brenda: Living her Best Life


 Updated March 20, 2019

Inspiritus’ Disability Services program places adults with developmental disabilities with well-trained, caring support companions in host homes where they thrive and grow in independence and abilities.

Brenda is one of many we serve in our Disability Services program. She moved in with the McCoy family, her host home family, more than 13 years ago. She’s an avid bowler, although bowling is just one of many sports she is passionate about. She has a large collection of ribbons she’s won from a 30-year career with Special Olympics in Georgia.

Brenda spends a lot of time with Mrs. McCoy in their neighborhood, and she’s made a lot of connections with people in her community. After volunteering for most of her life, Brenda has recently chosen to retire and spend her time doing things she enjoys like shopping, going out to eat with friends, and water aerobics at the local YMCA.

As an active member of the family, Brenda has thrived in the McCoy home. When the McCoy family recently celebrated the birth of their grandchild, Brenda gushed about the new edition to the family and was thrilled at the opportunity to hold the baby at the hospital.

Through our Disability Services program, Brenda and many others are able to live the most fulfilling and meaningful lives possible thanks to caring families like the McCoys. Join Inspiritus in celebrating those we serve and their support companions!