LSG Staff Superstar: Nartasha Davis!
/Lutheran Services of Georgia would like to recognize Nartasha Davis for her incredible efforts and professionalism. Davis was one of two providers in all of Region 6, which includes 31 Georgia counties, to receive recognition from the State Regional Office for her commitment to serving people with significant behavioral challenges. Over the last two years, Nartasha has worked diligently to put the necessary resources in place for LSG’s Columbus office to serve people with behavioral challenges. She identified and developed contractual relationships with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. She works closely with the behavioral specialist to ensure that the needs of LSG’s clients are being met. Nartasha is able to independently assess people’s needs and put the appropriate supports in place from the ground up.
Nartasha carries a caseload of 6-10 clients and has been an extremely effective recruiter of new clients. Her office went from having little capacity to serve people with developmental disabilities a few years ago, to now having resources and structure to make a difference in many people’s lives. The quality of support companions and services has greatly increased to the highest standards under her leadership. Thank you, Nartasha, for all that you do!