LSG Refugee Client Receives Much-Needed Dental Care

 By Emily Laney, Program Manager for Atlanta Refugee Services

It’s no secret that our refugee clients face unique challenges as they adjust to life in the United States. We love watching clients grow and thrive in their new community, but some face very difficult challenges in that process, especially in the area of health.

We have a client who has a major medical concern that will require lengthy treatment. The client was told by his doctor that the needed treatment would be delayed until he could get some dental work done- including a deep cleaning. Many of our clients face major dental barriers because Medicaid does not typically cover dental cleanings and newly arrived refugees usually do not have the extra funds to pay for cleanings out of pocket.

But in the case of this client, we knew that we had to find a resource for him. We are so thankful for our friends at the Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb who took on our client’s case and provided him with excellent dental care. Many of the dentists and doctors at Good Samaritan are volunteers and truly care about the wellbeing of the people they treat. We have been blown away by the care shown to our client. At a recent event several staff from the clinic asked us for an update and expressed their desire to keep up with his treatment. They truly have servant’s hearts and genuinely care about people. There are so many amazing organizations who work hard to serve the vulnerable, including Good Samaritan. We want to make sure our supporters know about this awesome organization. They are always looking for skilled medical and dental volunteers to increase the amount of free and reduced cost medical and dental care to Georgia residents. Check out their website at