Angel Tree 2013 Highlight: Gifts for Refugees

Each year, Lutheran Services of Georgia's Angel Tree program helps ensure that our clients have a very happy holiday season! Lutheran congregations and other LSG supporters generously gave gifts and their time to support refugee families. Through Angel Tree, LSG is able to provide warm winter coats, blankets, and clothing for every refugee adult and child resettled during the year---in 2013, that's almost 500 refugees!

Students from Ohio State University and Florida Gulf Coast University taking a week of their winter break for service helped to sort, organize, and deliver Angel Tree gifts for refugees provided by congregations. Lutheran Church of the Redeemer's Mission House served "Angel Tree Central", the location for drop off of all the refugee gifts. Christ the King Lutheran Church provided gifts for over 160 refugees, the largest number of gifts of any congregation in  LSG's Angel Tree 2013! For the Kid in All of Us donated several toys from the 2013 Toy Party and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Woodstock made shoeboxes full of small toys and items to delight every refugee child.

After the gifts were sorted, LSG staff members and volunteers personally delivered gifts to refugees throughout Clarkston, spreading excitement, smiles, and holiday cheer. LSG thanks all of the congregations, students, staff, and other supporters for making 2013 Angel Tree a success!