CALL TO ACTION: Asylum Seekers Need Your Help

Dear Friend,

Inspiritus is grateful for advocates like you who help us accompany and speak up on behalf of our most vulnerable neighbors who are seeking refugee and/or asylum in the United States. If you are interested in advocating for asylum seekers, please prayerfully consider this action alert and call to action:

On February 23, the agency for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) proposed a set of new rules pertaining to the asylum process for vulnerable immigrants seeking to enter the U.S. from the Southern border. Current law under the Immigration and Nationality Act explicitly permits any individual with a well-founded fear of persecution to seek asylum from within the U.S. or at a port of entry. This newly proposed rule, entitled Circumvention of Lawful Pathways, would automatically disqualify cases from individuals who seek asylum directly at the border.

If this rule is enacted, it will require that individuals first apply for asylum in a nearby country, and then apply for asylum in the U.S. if their case in this initial country was formally denied.

The process is already very difficult or near impossible for some asylum seekers to navigate on their own. For example, the only way individuals can formally apply for asylum is the CBP One app, the platform through which applicants receive confirmation of appointments and additional correspondence. While access to a smart phone or accessible WiFi is an obvious barrier, the app has reportedly experienced widespread technical glitches and is available in only English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole.

While there are a few exceptions to the proposed rule (such as for unaccompanied minors or individuals with exceptionally grave medical needs), these changes would essentially deny tens of thousands of asylum seekers due process when attempting to exercise their legal right to seek safety. It also will put them back in harm’s way. If passed, these changes would take effect on May 11 and would remain in place for the next two years.

The administration is reversing course on its previous commitment to restoring asylum and it is imperative that we speak out. You can help advocate against these proposed changes by submitting a public comment online by March 27th. Click here to submit your comment.

You can find a template below to use as a guideline.

Hello, my name is [insert name] and I am writing from [insert hometown and state] to oppose the newly proposed changes to asylum policy outlined in “Circumvention of Lawful Pathways.” If implemented, these new changes would severely undermine the ability of vulnerable peoples to seek asylum according to U.S. and international law. The additional barriers these regulations would impose are arbitrary and will only prolong the dangerous circumstances from which migrants are seeking to escape. It is imperative that the U.S. uphold its role as beacon of safety and opportunity for immigrants facing persecution in their home countries and as such, it is critical that we do not close pathways for seeking asylum for the tens of thousands of vulnerable individuals and families for whom humanitarian parole or refugee resettlement is not an option. As a(n) [immigrant, person of faith, volunteer, staff of an immigrant-serving organization, etc.], I implore you to reconsider these proposed changes and find solutions that help restore asylum access, rather than dismantle it.

With gratitude,

Aimee Zangandou
Executive Director of Inspiritus Refugee & Immigrant Services