LSG's Response to the Reports on a Possible 25,000 Cap for FY 2019 Refugee Admissions


As the Administration prepares to announce the refugee admissions ceiling for FY 2019 next month, reports have emerged that the White House is considering another drastic reduction in the number of refugees the United States will admit. Yesterday the New York Times reported that the Administration is discussing one plan that would reduce the current refugee admissions cap by more than 40 percent – setting the limit for refugee arrivals at just 25,000.

Lutheran Services of Georgia urges the Administration to continue our nation’s proud tradition of welcoming refugees and asylum seekers and to raise the refugee admission ceiling for FY 2019. 

The United States as long been a beacon of hope for persecuted and displaced individuals from around the world.  In the midst of the current refugee crisis, we are saddened that as the number of people who have been forcibly displaced increases, the United States continues to decrease the number we admit.  We believe our country and our state are better because we have welcomed these mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. We celebrate the many contributions refugees bring to our communities – from their work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit to the tax dollars they contribute and their positive impact on our economy.

In FY 2018, the administration cut the ceiling for refugee arrivals from 110,000 to an unprecedented low of 45,000. Lowering that number to 25,000, if implemented, would reflect more than a 77% decrease to the U.S. refugee ceiling in just three years.

For the last several months, our national partner LIRS has been leading an advocacy effort to encourage the Administration to set the refugee ceiling at 75,000 in FY19.  To learn more about how to advocate for refugees and to contact your Representative and Senators, visiting

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