Letter from Our CEO
Dear Friends of LSG,
I am excited to share with you a big change that’s coming to Lutheran Services of Georgia in the New Year. On January 16, Lutheran Services of Georgia will change its name to Inspiritus.
After thoughtful and prayerful consideration, LSG’s Board of Directors voted to change the name earlier this year on the recommendation of a committee comprised of various stakeholders of LSG and a group of branding experts.
This decision was not taken lightly. We are proud of our strong reputation as Lutheran Services of Georgia and cherish our values as an organization grounded in the Christian faith and the Lutheran tradition. However, as we’ve grown over the years, the name no longer reflects what we do and who we serve. We often encounter confusion in the community because many people assume you have to be Lutheran to benefit from our services or to get involved, to volunteer or to support our work.
In addition, we will soon expand geographically, making “of Georgia” an outdated part of our name. In 2019, we will join with Lutheran Services in Tennessee, expanding our reach outside our Georgia borders. Therefore, we feel the timing is right to rebrand ourselves and open the door for more opportunities and partnerships outside of Georgia.
So why Inspiritus? The name Inspiritus embodies the essence of our mission and vision. Inspirit means to fill with strength or courage, and that is what we do. We help individuals and families discover their inner strength and resilience and guide them on a path from surviving to thriving, leading to a more fulfilling life. We inspirit.
Transitioning to Inspiritus is not a move away from our Christian roots and faith. Instead, the name intentionally references the Holy Spirit that guides our work and that lives inside of each person. In removing “Lutheran” from our name, the intention was not to distance ourselves from our Lutheran identity but rather to create a space where all feel welcome.
Be assured that our services and programs will not change, and we will remain a part of the Lutheran Services in America network and a partner of Lutheran Disaster Response and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
After January 16, our new web address will be weinspirit.org. Our phone numbers will stay the same.
We appreciate your support of LSG and would like to have a chance to update you on the growth and future of our organization. We will be holding several open houses during January and February. We invite
you to join us as we share more about our work and how this transition fits within our mission, vision and strategic plan. The open house dates and locations are listed below. We hope you’ll be able to find one that fits your schedule and location.
Spirit of Service: Looking to the Future
Open House Dates and Locations:
Sunday, January 13 - 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Eagles Landing Country Club, Stockbridge
Thursday, January 17, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Atlanta
Sunday, February 10, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Marietta
Please RSVP by contacting Lorraine Dorough at ldorough@lsga.org and indicating which open house you’ll be attending.
If you are unable to attend one of these events, please know that my door is always open, and I welcome your thoughts. The best way to reach me is to contact my assistant Pam Grimshaw at pgrimshaw@lsga.org to set up a time for us to meet.
John Moeller, CEO
Lutheran Services of Georgia